We do not presently have any vacancies for volunteers.

Please check back periodically, as this page will be updated when the situation changes.


We also welcome people who have used the Foodbank to volunteer their time when they no longer need support. Below is their experience in their own words.

When both our benefits were finally reinstated we were almost sad about not having our weekly trip across the road to see the lovely volunteers at the foodbank. We started going to the coffee mornings up the road at St Peter’s. After a while I decided to go back to the foodbank but this time as a volunteer. I’d appreciated the friendship and care that had been shown to me so much that I wanted to be able to give that to someone else who was in a similar position to the one I’d found myself in.

The friendship and sense of community that I get from volunteering has helped me enormously. I can’t work because I have mental health problems. I’m also not always able to volunteer and have had quite a number of months off during my couple of years at the foodbank. But they always understand, they never put pressure on me to come back, but when I do I’m welcomed with open arms.